Friday, April 1, 2011

Felicia Provost

Interview with Felicia Kristine from ANTM!

Felicia Kristine was one of the contestants in Cycle 8 of the TV show America's Next Top Model. What I liked about her was her look and style; she just had such energy and finesse which I didnt see in the other contestants. You could see her in a music video dancing on the one hand and on a runway in Paris on the other, and she would rock it! I was quite sure she was going to be a finalist. I was so disappointed when she got elimated, but I thought that she had great potential to go on her own and do big things. Check out my interview with the model who I know will go beyond the appearance on ANTM. Don't call her "Baby Tyra", she's Felicia Kristine!

For those reading who don’t watch ANTM, tell them a little about yourself? What's up I'm 19 and I've been living in Houston all my life. By the way...on the show my eyebrows were a mess...but they're perfect Ok. let's get down with these questions....
Has the show made you a celebrity in that even after the show, people see you on the street and know you as “Baby Trya”? KINDA....YEAH PEOPLE NOTICE ME BUT I'M NOT A CELEBRITY....<>
What was the most memorable thing about being on ANTM? MEETING ALL THE GIRLS FOR THE FIRST TIME.As far as how you were treated on the show, I felt that there was a double standard in that the one picture that didn’t go over so well made it so you were off the show. However, other contestants had so-so pictures and they seemed to get further. Do you agree and why do you think that was the case? I SAY THAT YES THERE ARE GIRLS THAT GOT FURTHER ON PICS THAT WERE JUST OK....IT WAS CRAP....POINT BLANK PERIODFor any models who are reading, what do you suggest is the best way to get over in the audition to be a contestant on ANTM? BE YOURSELF AND SHOW YOURSELF FOR WHO YOU ARE...NOT WHO YOU THINK THEY WANT TO SEE

I think that the ANTM judges labeled you as being “too hip hop” for their show and I don’t think that’s such a bad thing. Would you go that route of being in G-Unit or P Diddy videos? ONLY CLASSY VIDEOS FOR ME.....LIKE THE MAIN GIRL IN A COMMON VIDEO OR OMARION.
I also think that you could be on any magazine because you have that model look. What magazine would you most want to be on the cover of if you had your choice? VOGUEDo you have any plans to create a website or be in any magazines? I ALREADY HAVE A WEBSITE UNDER CONSTRUCTION....WWW.FELICIAPROVOST.COM

I’m glad I got a chance to interview the model who I feel should have been the next ANTM! I know you got to have a lot of fans like myself so is there anything that you want to throw out to the people? I LOVE AND APPRECIATE ALL YOUR SUPPORT. YOU GIVE ME THAT EXTRA PUSH TO TRY HARDER.

Check out Felicia Kristine on